Our Lifting Engineers are qualified and competent possessing the required qualifications from Lifting Equipment Engineers Association.

Our Lifting Engineers are qualified and competent possessing the required qualifications from Lifting Equipment Engineers Association.

We offer wide range of Non-Destructive Examination procedures such as Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI), Liquid Liquid Penetrant Inspection,etc.

Electromagnetic wire rope inspection is an industry standard for in-service inspection of ropes and we use the state of the art EMAG rope testing equipment.

Our technicians are trained by various rope manufacturers and the synthetic ropes samples are prepared using manufacturer’s approved splicing method.

Our Inspectors are well trained and gained competency in accessing integrity, testing and recertification of various Heavy lift slings and shackles.

We offer mooring equipment inspection services for Anchor blocks, Anchor chains, Mooring Hawsers, Foam and steel buoys, fenders etc.

Our experienced team of crane Inspectors assist single point solution to vessel users by evaluating crane as required by the required Class of the vessel.

Our Load testing activities are carried out as per international regulations and guidences such as BS EN, ASME, API and manufacturer recommendations for heavy lift barge cranes.